White Ink (Variable) - NEW Printed Specification Sheet Skip to content

7th February 2017 Variable White Ink – NEW Printed Specification Sheet

Pressision Print

Our White Ink Specification Sheet

Our “Variable White Ink” Spec sheets are hot off the Press. Designed to be a useful tool and inspiring piece, they not only demonstrate what is a achievable using this cost effective yet creative process, they show how underpinning with white ink can open up a whole new world of amazing reproduction of block colour, graphics and even full colour imagery on coloured substrates.
They demonstrate how our “oneshot” pin sharp register can underpin 2.5pt type and 0.1pt line work with no white showing, just the covering CMYK colour, it really has to be seen to be believed.
We also demonstrate what multiple hits of white look like, from a single hit, through to 8. We also show % halftime from 5% through to 100%.

Printed in our “High Definition 230 Digital Print” another spec sheet due to print in the coming months. In fact we plan to release a new spec sheet every month, each with a process mastered by the team here at Pressision. If you would like a spec sheet, email info@pressision.co.uk

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